
圖片來自:Yanko Design

在網路上晃見來自設計師Victor Vetterlein最新的產品:
基座是鋰電池,可以利用太陽能,風力充電 (有沒有這麼厲害啊…)


YO is a rechargeable and wireless stereo speaker docking station for digital audio players. The system is portable, waterproof, and suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Inside the dock base are lithium-ion (rechargeable) batteries that are capable of powering the stereo system for hours when the unit is disconnected from a power source. The design intention is that a renewable energy source such as solar power, wind power, or hydroelectricity charges the battery packs when the stereo is not in use.

The speakers also contain lithium-ion batteries in their base, and recharge when placed in the stereo base portals. The batteries also provide high-density ballast enabling the speakers to stand upright when removed from the charging ports. The speaker enclosure is designed to amplify sound. The speakers are mounted in the rear of the speaker housing. Similar to a megaphone, the front portion of the speaker enclosure is extruded to increase and direct sound. Two removable rods are mounted between the stereo speakers to stabilize the stereo assembly and provide a lifting handle when the unit is transported.

圖片來自:Yanko Design


音樂播放基座加漣澎頭搖控器:A Very Musical Shower
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